
Boisson électrolyte : danger ou allié ? Ce que vous devez savoir

Electrolytes are becoming more and more popular, especially in the world of sport. Many specialists recommend the consumption of electrolyte drinks during physical activity. We hear about these drinks and...

Electrolytes are becoming more and more popular, especially in the world of sport. Many specialists recommend the consumption of electrolyte drinks during physical activity. We hear about these drinks and...

Le rôle des électrolytes dans l’hydratation du corps

Electrolytes are key elements in health and nutrition. Through this article we will try to explain the nature and role of the different electrolytes in hydration. From the understanding of...

Electrolytes are key elements in health and nutrition. Through this article we will try to explain the nature and role of the different electrolytes in hydration. From the understanding of...

Boisson isotonique ou électrolytique : quelles différences et quand les choisir ?

When you are an athlete and you are looking for a drink to accompany your workouts, you often come across electrolyte drinks and isotonic drinks , but you must surely...

When you are an athlete and you are looking for a drink to accompany your workouts, you often come across electrolyte drinks and isotonic drinks , but you must surely...

Boisson énergétique pour le vélo : choisir la meilleure option pour une récupération optimale ?

If you play sports, especially cycling , and you have questions about hydration , this article is for you! Cycling is a sport that requires a long effort and variable...

If you play sports, especially cycling , and you have questions about hydration , this article is for you! Cycling is a sport that requires a long effort and variable...

Boisson électrolyte maison : comment la préparer facilement ?

Electrolyte drinks have been all the rage for a while now, especially in the sports world. Most of the time, they are purchased in stores, but today, we are going...

Electrolyte drinks have been all the rage for a while now, especially in the sports world. Most of the time, they are purchased in stores, but today, we are going...

Qu'est-ce qu'il faut boire quand on a la gastro ?

Gastroenteritis , often called " gastro ", is one of the most common infections in children. Characterized by inflammation of the digestive mucosa, this viral or bacterial infection can cause...

Gastroenteritis , often called " gastro ", is one of the most common infections in children. Characterized by inflammation of the digestive mucosa, this viral or bacterial infection can cause...

Comment bien s’hydrater : l’importance des électrolytes

We often hear about the importance of electrolytes for the body . But how can we consume them simply? In this article we will see how to make your own...

We often hear about the importance of electrolytes for the body . But how can we consume them simply? In this article we will see how to make your own...

Déshydratation chez l’enfant : quels sont nos conseils ?

A child can become dehydrated quickly, especially during illness or in extreme heat . This is a dangerous phenomenon because dehydration unfortunately remains a major cause of infant mortality. In...

A child can become dehydrated quickly, especially during illness or in extreme heat . This is a dangerous phenomenon because dehydration unfortunately remains a major cause of infant mortality. In...

L’importance des apports hydriques pour notre santé : comment bien s’hydrater ?

Hydration is often cited as one of the essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle. However, it remains underestimated in our daily lives. Invisible and easily forgotten, good hydration is nevertheless...

Hydration is often cited as one of the essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle. However, it remains underestimated in our daily lives. Invisible and easily forgotten, good hydration is nevertheless...

Quels effets secondaires peuvent provoquer les électrolytes ?

Electrolytes are often mentioned when it comes to sports or hydration , but their function, benefits , and potential side effects are sometimes unclear. What are electrolytes and what side...

Electrolytes are often mentioned when it comes to sports or hydration , but their function, benefits , and potential side effects are sometimes unclear. What are electrolytes and what side...

Déshydratation et fièvre : symptômes, causes, prévention et solutions rapides

Fever is a common symptom of many diseases because it is an effective mechanism of the body to eliminate intruders. But is it a symptom of dehydration ? And in...

Fever is a common symptom of many diseases because it is an effective mechanism of the body to eliminate intruders. But is it a symptom of dehydration ? And in...

Hydratation en course à pied : le guide complet pour améliorer vos performances

Have you ever experienced cramps or a headache during a running session , despite adequate rest? If so, dehydration could well be the cause. Water is an essential element for...

Have you ever experienced cramps or a headache during a running session , despite adequate rest? If so, dehydration could well be the cause. Water is an essential element for...

Avis Hydratis, ce que pensent nos utilisateurs

You know Hydratis but you don't know if it's effective and if you should buy some? You've come to the right place! In this article, we'll see what our users...

You know Hydratis but you don't know if it's effective and if you should buy some? You've come to the right place! In this article, we'll see what our users...

S’hydrater et se réhydrater : les bons réflexes à adopter

Hydration is often cited as one of the essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle, alongside a balanced diet , physical exercise and quality sleep . Yet it remains underestimated in...

Hydration is often cited as one of the essential pillars of a healthy lifestyle, alongside a balanced diet , physical exercise and quality sleep . Yet it remains underestimated in...

Électrolytes bienfaits : pourquoi sont-ils essentiels pour votre santé ?

Electrolytes are often mentioned when it comes to exercise or hydration , but their function and benefits can sometimes be unclear. What are electrolytes and why are they essential for...

Electrolytes are often mentioned when it comes to exercise or hydration , but their function and benefits can sometimes be unclear. What are electrolytes and why are they essential for...

Déshydratation sévère : comprendre, reconnaître et réagir

You've probably heard that you need to drink at least two liters of water a day to stay hydrated. However, it's easy to underestimate your daily intake because our body...

You've probably heard that you need to drink at least two liters of water a day to stay hydrated. However, it's easy to underestimate your daily intake because our body...

La déshydratation chez les personnes âgées : reconnaître les signes et agir

Dehydration can be promoted by certain external conditions such as high summer heat. Some people are also more at risk of dehydration such as an elderly person , a child...

Dehydration can be promoted by certain external conditions such as high summer heat. Some people are also more at risk of dehydration such as an elderly person , a child...

Déséquilibre électrolytique : qu'est-ce-que c'est et comment y remédier ?

We often hear about the importance of electrolytes for the body. But what does that mean and why are they important for our health? In this article, we will answer...

We often hear about the importance of electrolytes for the body. But what does that mean and why are they important for our health? In this article, we will answer...

Comment le régime des sportifs influence-t-il leurs performances ?

Diet is the keystone of a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, how can we hope that our body functions properly if we do not feed it well? In particular, when we do...

Diet is the keystone of a healthy lifestyle. Indeed, how can we hope that our body functions properly if we do not feed it well? In particular, when we do...

Comment éviter la rétention d'eau ?

The body is made up of 60% water, which is distributed throughout its entirety and circulates continuously to nourish the cells. Blood pressure ensures that it moves properly in the...

The body is made up of 60% water, which is distributed throughout its entirety and circulates continuously to nourish the cells. Blood pressure ensures that it moves properly in the...

Quelle est la meilleure stratégie d'hydratation pour un marathon ?

As you approach a marathon, it is important to pay close attention to your diet and nutrition. Hydration is therefore a key element to ensure optimal performance and avoid risks...

As you approach a marathon, it is important to pay close attention to your diet and nutrition. Hydration is therefore a key element to ensure optimal performance and avoid risks...

Comment prévenir une infection urinaire en buvant de l'eau régulièrement ?

Urinary tract infections are common infections of the urinary system, which include the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Among the most common, you are surely familiar with cystitis . They...

Urinary tract infections are common infections of the urinary system, which include the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Among the most common, you are surely familiar with cystitis . They...

Quels sont les dangers de boire trop d'eau ?

You have probably heard that it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This is general advice but it is important to qualify because if...

You have probably heard that it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This is general advice but it is important to qualify because if...

Pourquoi les médias créent une polémique autour de Hydratis : “l’anti-gueule de bois qui inciterait les consommateurs à boire” ?

For some time now, Hydratis has been the subject of accusations in some media outlets, which present it as an "anti-hangover" product and which could therefore encourage alcohol consumption. But...

For some time now, Hydratis has been the subject of accusations in some media outlets, which present it as an "anti-hangover" product and which could therefore encourage alcohol consumption. But...