Hydration of the body: How to hydrate well to feel good?
Water, the first constituent of the body (composed of 60% water on average), is at the heart of the proper functioning of our body. Indeed, water is essential to life. It will help ensure the proper functioning of our cells and a stable and balanced blood volume.
In reality, good hydration will allow the blood to provide each cell with an adequate quantity of vitamins and minerals, while being able to eliminate daily waste via the renal system.
And although good daily hydration is essential, it is sometimes difficult to understand this phenomenon and the right behaviors to adopt.
How it works ?
The regulation of the quantity of water in our body is mainly done by a pathway from our mouth to our cells. But how ?
It's all a question of balance , between contributions and losses. The more we drink, the more we renew the body's water thanks to its excretion via sweat, urine, or even breathing.
These water losses must constantly be compensated for through intake, through good hydration.
The mechanism of hydration is quite simple:
- If we drink, it is primarily because of thirst.
Indeed, thirst is triggered if the blood volume is too low. Our body detects an inadequate blood volume and sends a message to the brain, triggering the feeling of thirst.
Let's take the example of taking a few sips of water:
- The first stage is the descent of water into the esophagus in a few seconds.
- Then, the water passes for around ten minutes in the stomach where we find a slight absorption of the
- After this, the water passes through the wall of the small intestine into the bloodstream. In reality, water molecules cross the membrane that separates the intestine from the blood thanks to a difference in water concentration between the intestine and the blood: this is called osmotic gradient transport. (+ small diagram?)
- Finally, water is transported to our cells and therefore our organs, in order to maintain their proper functioning.
Thanks to this precious circuit, when we drink 2L of water per day, 99% of the water in our body is renewed in 50 days!
Hydration, a story of proportions!
Hydrate yes, but in what quantities?
Knowing that food provides 700 ml of water, or 20% of the daily requirement, it is necessary to drink 8 to 9 glasses of 250 ml of water per day. It is therefore recommended to drink around 1 to 1.5 liters of water per day in total. For the elderly, the French Food Safety Agency recommends drinking at least 0.8 liters per day, and ideally 1.3 to 1.4 liters.
Hydration changes with age, but in what way?
Firstly, in infants under 6 months of age, water represents on average 75% of their body weight. Then, this proportion decreases until puberty, around age 12, to reach approximately 60% of body weight. Finally, from adulthood, body water content will decrease more quickly in women than in men, reaching 55% in an elderly person.
How is water distributed in our body?
Water is distributed to all of our cells, preferably towards target organs and tissues such as the lungs (composed of 78% water), the brain (76%), or even the muscles. smooth (75%).
Note that these proportions may vary, particularly in the case of physical activity , in the event of fever , diarrhea , or extreme heat. It will therefore be necessary to maintain good hydration by increasing intake.
In short, hydration varies from one subject to another , due to age , or in response to external factors, pathologies or lifestyle habits.
What's the point of staying hydrated?
Maintaining a well-hydrated body means maintaining a healthy body. Hydration contributes to the proper functioning of the brain, acts on mood, regulates body temperature, eliminates toxins from the body and helps to compensate for dehydration.
The human brain is made up of 76% water, so a poorly hydrated brain becomes less functional, impacting memory, with a decline in physical and psychological performance.
Water is the primary constituent of blood. Thus, good hydration will allow the blood and blood circulation to fully play their role: supply of oxygen to the organs, transport of vitamins and minerals, elimination of carbon dioxide.
How to hydrate well?
Water is supplied via 3 routes:
- The metabolic pathway: Metabolism is all the reactions that take place in our body, and these reactions can produce elements, including water! This water is in fact produced from our nutrients, and in particular from lipids. Our own body would therefore produce on average 250 to 350 ml of water per day, reaching up to 600 ml in the event of intense physical activity.
- Food: Per day, it is estimated that 0.5 to 1L of water can be provided through a normal diet. Certain foods contain a higher percentage of water than others: green vegetables are in the lead with 90% water, closely followed by fresh fruits (between 80 and 95% water), or even proteins such as such as eggs, meat or fish.
- Drinks: Per day, approximately 1.5L of water is provided by drinking. Indeed, pure water and drinks represent on average 70 to 80% of total liquid intake, i.e. the majority of intake. Water intake via drinks varies greatly depending on the individual; a total daily consumption of liquids is estimated to range between 100mL to more than 7L! It is therefore important to adapt your consumption to your needs, thanks to good daily habits: always remember to hydrate yourself, by drinking on average 8 glasses of water per day. Carrying a bottle of water with you for the day is ideal for remembering to stay hydrated!
- Taking mineral salts: a boost not to be neglected, mineral salts play an essential role for our health. They act in synergy to ensure the production of our energy, a solid skeleton, or even good defense of the body. However, they cannot be produced by our body, and a supply is necessary. This contribution is made in particular thanks to the water we drink. A dehydrated person will therefore be deficient in these mineral salts. An additional intake to rebalance these salts will therefore ensure the proper functioning of the body in the event of dehydration.
In summary, the production of water by the body being limited, water is renewed mainly thanks to what we drink and what we eat.
Every day, you must drink regularly and hydration is essential, even more so in certain situations such as a hot environment or physical exertion for example. Good hydration, good health!