A 2% weight loss due to dehydration during exercise reduces an athlete's physical capacity by 20%. Hydration before, during and after exercise is one of the keys not to be...
A 2% weight loss due to dehydration during exercise reduces an athlete's physical capacity by 20%. Hydration before, during and after exercise is one of the keys not to be...
Here are 5 things to do for your daily health We often think that being healthy means not being sick. However, health can be considered as a daily and protean...
Here are 5 things to do for your daily health We often think that being healthy means not being sick. However, health can be considered as a daily and protean...
Water, the main constituent of our body, is essential for its functioning. At a moderate ambient temperature and at rest, the body always maintains its water quantity at a constant...
Water, the main constituent of our body, is essential for its functioning. At a moderate ambient temperature and at rest, the body always maintains its water quantity at a constant...
Water, the first constituent of the body (composed of 60% water on average), is at the heart of the proper functioning of our body. Indeed, water is essential to life....
Water, the first constituent of the body (composed of 60% water on average), is at the heart of the proper functioning of our body. Indeed, water is essential to life....
For a vacation or a business trip, we are increasingly required to travel, by car or public transport. In heated or air-conditioned spaces, temperatures are optimized so that we can...
For a vacation or a business trip, we are increasingly required to travel, by car or public transport. In heated or air-conditioned spaces, temperatures are optimized so that we can...
Temperature changes and particularly hot or cold climates are very dehydrating for our bodies. It is important to understand the impact of these climates on our body and the tips...
Temperature changes and particularly hot or cold climates are very dehydrating for our bodies. It is important to understand the impact of these climates on our body and the tips...
Isotonic or hypotonic drink: How to choose to maximize your performance? We often hear that we should hydrate ourselves well on a daily basis by drinking at least 1.5 L...
Isotonic or hypotonic drink: How to choose to maximize your performance? We often hear that we should hydrate ourselves well on a daily basis by drinking at least 1.5 L...
Find our article on Paris Match produced by Karyn Bauer We met Paris Match to talk to them about Hydratis; the start-up since its launch and its ambitions! There are...
Find our article on Paris Match produced by Karyn Bauer We met Paris Match to talk to them about Hydratis; the start-up since its launch and its ambitions! There are...
Hydratis is the adventure of two French entrepreneurs: Jérémy Boué and Théo Heude who were interested in hydration and its importance on health and well-being. The solutions were democratized in...
Hydratis is the adventure of two French entrepreneurs: Jérémy Boué and Théo Heude who were interested in hydration and its importance on health and well-being. The solutions were democratized in...
How it works ? The HYDRATIS solution, in addition to providing you with these mineral salts and trace elements, allows water to be absorbed more quickly and effectively! But on...
How it works ? The HYDRATIS solution, in addition to providing you with these mineral salts and trace elements, allows water to be absorbed more quickly and effectively! But on...
When breathing into a mask, the gases that are inhaled mostly remain trapped inside the mask and cannot properly escape. This of course allows us to avoid the transmission of...
When breathing into a mask, the gases that are inhaled mostly remain trapped inside the mask and cannot properly escape. This of course allows us to avoid the transmission of...
Hydratis electrolytes, the key to daily hydration Find the interview of Jérémy Boué on Europe 1, co-founder of Hydratis live on the show La France Bouge. The French company has...
Hydratis electrolytes, the key to daily hydration Find the interview of Jérémy Boué on Europe 1, co-founder of Hydratis live on the show La France Bouge. The French company has...
Endurance, hydration and performance: Exercise drink Hydration is an important point not to be neglected for endurance athletes. It serves to compensate for water and electrolyte losses. Replenishing these losses...
Endurance, hydration and performance: Exercise drink Hydration is an important point not to be neglected for endurance athletes. It serves to compensate for water and electrolyte losses. Replenishing these losses...
Hydration at altitude is key to maintaining your energy level Fatigue, headaches , dry mouth , body aches , cramps... These symptoms of dehydration are known, but often associated with...
Hydration at altitude is key to maintaining your energy level Fatigue, headaches , dry mouth , body aches , cramps... These symptoms of dehydration are known, but often associated with...
For EHPADs, in addition to managing Covid, there is also the management of the heatwave . How are they dealing with this difficult period? A heatwave occurs when temperatures exceed...
For EHPADs, in addition to managing Covid, there is also the management of the heatwave . How are they dealing with this difficult period? A heatwave occurs when temperatures exceed...
While the damage of the crisis has not yet been fully accounted for, one sector has suffered the brunt of it, that of pharmacy. They had to continue to exercise...
While the damage of the crisis has not yet been fully accounted for, one sector has suffered the brunt of it, that of pharmacy. They had to continue to exercise...
If, in the collective unconscious, "summer" generally rhymes with sun, well-being and relaxation, the periods of high heat and heatwave observed during this season can be the cause of a...
If, in the collective unconscious, "summer" generally rhymes with sun, well-being and relaxation, the periods of high heat and heatwave observed during this season can be the cause of a...
France is gradually becoming less confined... Have you left aside physical activity during confinement and do you feel that it is time to resume sport? Here is a practical guide...
France is gradually becoming less confined... Have you left aside physical activity during confinement and do you feel that it is time to resume sport? Here is a practical guide...