Déshydratation chez les personnes âgées : Comment prévenir la déshydratation chez le sénior ?

Dehydration in the elderly: How to prevent dehydration in the elderly?

Dehydration in the elderly: How to prevent dehydration in the elderly?

Seniors are among those most at risk of dehydration . In this article we will see what dehydration is and what are its causes in the elderly. Then we will see the possible ways to prevent dehydration in the elderly.

What is dehydration?

Dehydration corresponds to a state of lack of water and mineral salts (or electrolytes) in the body, essential for its proper functioning.

The first sign of dehydration is thirst, however, the elderly do not necessarily feel thirsty, so you must be able to recognize the other symptoms of dehydration in seniors which are:

- Decreased attention, confusional state

- Dry mouth

- Severe fatigue and weakness (asthenia)

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Constipation

- Nausea and/or vomiting

- Significant weight loss over a short period

- Decrease in the production of urine which becomes dark

- Muscle pain or cramps

- Orthostatic hypotension which manifests as dizziness when moving from a sitting to a standing position which can lead to a fall

Find the advice of the CNSA in anticipation of high temperatures

In case of severe dehydration, urinary tract infections, pneumonia or pressure sores (in bedridden patients) may occur. Therefore, at the first signs of dehydration in the elderly, a doctor should be consulted in order to consider appropriate treatment to allow optimal rehydration.

What are the causes of dehydration in the elderly?

A person is considered old from about 60 years old. It is therefore necessary to be vigilant during situations with an increased risk of dehydration such as fever (or hyperthermia), periods of heat wave and high heat or even the practice of physical activity. Indeed, the latter cause sweating in order to reduce body temperature. However, for this, a large amount of water and mineral salts are lost which can lead to a state of dehydration if the losses are not compensated.

There are other causes that can promote the onset of dehydration, such as certain medications. Indeed, the elderly are the most polymedicated, ie they consume many different drugs which can have effects on the level of hydration. Among the latter, we can find drugs of the class of diuretics or laxatives which are very prescribed in the elderly and which cause a loss of water. Be careful, you should not stop a treatment alone, always make sure you have medical advice.

Elderly people do not necessarily feel thirsty, so they do not necessarily think about hydrating regularly, reducing water intake and possibly causing dehydration.

Some illnesses can cause dehydration, especially those that cause diarrhea and/or vomiting because this leads to a significant loss of water.

Finally, the consumption of alcohol leads to a significant loss of water. Indeed, it is during its elimination by the body that we observe a loss of water that accompanies alcohol. This is why it is often not recommended to drink alcohol during periods of high heat and heat waves.

How to prevent dehydration in seniors?

To prevent dehydration, it is essential to stay well hydrated, and this can happen through different means.

Older people often have difficulty swallowing water. It is therefore possible to stay hydrated through food. Indeed, some fruits and vegetables are rich in water such as cucumber, tomato, melon or watermelon (be careful not to consume too many raw vegetables, rich in fiber, during diarrhea). It is also possible to eat cold soups, compotes, yogurts or cottage cheese.

It is necessary to remind and encourage your loved ones to drink (at least 1.5 liters of water) even if they are not thirsty, for this, it is advisable to favor mineralized water. Indeed, the feeling of thirst is already a sign of dehydration.

The Hydratis 50+ range is therefore your ally. Indeed, this range is specially intended for seniors and comes in the form of sachets to be diluted in a glass of water. These are made up of many electrolytes such as sodium, manganese, potassium, etc. and sugar allowing better absorption of water in the digestive tract and also to fill the losses in mineral salts lost during dehydration. There are two different flavors (anise or mint) and a neutral taste.

In conclusion, dehydration , which corresponds to a lack of water and mineral salts in the body, can occur frequently in seniors. So to prevent this dehydration , you have to stay hydrated. This can be done through food or drink such as Hydratis sachets which allow better absorption of water. Find our customer reviews and feedback after using Hydratis on our site.

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