What are the dangers of drinking too much water?
You have probably heard that it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This is general advice but it is important to qualify because if water is essential in our daily lives, an excess can be just as dangerous as a lack of hydration. So discover the risks of overhydration for your health and learn how to remedy it.
What is hyperhydration?
Overhydration is characterized by excess water in the body. This imbalance occurs when the kidneys are no longer able to eliminate excess water, often due to excessive water intake . Excessive water intake then leads to excessive dilution of electrolytes in the blood , particularly sodium, which plays an important role in regulating the distribution of water between cells and the extracellular environment. A decrease in sodium in the blood, called hyponatremia , disrupts this balance and affects the proper functioning of cells.
The consequences of this dilution can be serious: body cells, including those of the brain, can swell due to this water retention . This can induce symptoms such as fatigue, intense headaches, impaired consciousness and in some extreme cases, convulsions or coma .
What causes overhydration?

The causes of overhydration are multiple and can be related to specific behaviors or medical conditions. Some medical conditions , such as kidney or heart disease, aggravate this problem by reducing the kidneys' ability to filter water properly. In addition, some medications can cause water retention , increasing the risk of overhydration . Finally, during intense physical exertion or in hot weather, excessive hydration may seem necessary, however, it is crucial to adjust your consumption according to the body's real needs to avoid harming the water balance .
What are the mechanisms?
When you drink too much water , your body has to regulate your intake to maintain optimal water balance . The kidneys , which are responsible for filtering the blood and removing excess water through urine, can become overworked by this excess water consumption. If their capacity is exceeded, excess water remains in the body and enters the cells , causing them to swell , a phenomenon that can cause edema in various tissues, including the brain, and lead to the more serious complications discussed above.
What is the difference with dehydration?
Overhydration and dehydration are two opposing states that disrupt the body's electrolyte balance. Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it receives, leading to a high concentration of sodium in the blood plasma. This can cause cardiovascular problems, dizziness or even intense fatigue ...
Conversely, hyperhydration leads to excessive dilution of electrolytes, particularly sodium. This is called hyponatremia . Hypo... what? This word is made up of three Greek roots:
- hypo for “under”, it indicates a decrease or a deficit,
- natr for "natrium" meaning sodium,
- émié for "in the blood".
Hyponatremia therefore means a low level of sodium in the blood.
What are the risks associated with excessive water consumption?
An electrolyte imbalance
Sodium and other electrolytes play a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance and transmitting nerve signals . Excessive water consumption decreases sodium levels in the blood, causing hyponatremia . This electrolyte imbalance can lead to fluid retention in body tissues, causing swelling or edema . Associated symptoms include fatigue, nausea, headache, and in severe cases, seizures or coma .
Stress on the kidneys

The kidneys remove excess water from the body through urine . When too much water is consumed, they have to work harder to maintain fluid balance . If they can't keep up, it can cause water to build up in the body , increasing the risk of water retention . In the long term, this added stress can make the kidneys less efficient and increase the risk of kidney failure .
Other complications
Excess water in the body can also have serious consequences for the brain . When brain cells absorb too much water, they can swell, causing cerebral edema . This swelling puts pressure on the skull, leading to serious symptoms such as severe headaches , impaired consciousness , and in extreme cases, seizures or coma . These complications require immediate medical attention because they can be life-threatening.
How to identify and prevent overhydration?
Signs and symptoms of overhydration
Symptoms of overhydration may not be immediately apparent and therefore may appear gradually. They include headaches, nausea, vomiting, confusion, general fatigue or swelling of the limbs . In the most serious cases, symptoms such as convulsions or coma may occur, these are signs of severe overhydration .
The recommended amount of water
The amount of water to consume each day varies from one person to another, but as a general rule it is recommended to drink around 1.6 to 2 liters of water per day. These needs are not fixed and must be adjusted according to the profile of each person. For example, a person practicing intense physical activity , exposed to a hot climate will need more water to compensate for water losses .
Tips for maintaining a healthy water balance
To prevent overhydration , it is crucial to listen to your body and adjust your water intake according to your daily needs . Also, it is recommended to promote a balanced diet that provides essential electrolytes such as sodium, to maintain good hydration. It is then important to integrate into your diet routine, foods rich in water such as fruits and vegetables.
And Hydratis in all this?
Hydratis tablets help optimize your hydration thanks to their very specific composition of minerals and trace elements. They will help maintain a water and electrolyte balance in the body and promote the entry of water into the blood and therefore into your body tissues. The tablets are formulated to help replenish electrolyte stocks lost during physical exertion , during days with high temperatures or simply on a daily basis.

Our advice for use:
Simply dilute one Hydratis tablet in a 250ml glass of water, twice a day. This ensures optimal hydration and helps you avoid the dangers of water imbalance, especially during periods of intense physical effort or heat. Thanks to their adapted formulation, the tablets optimize your water intake while preserving the balance necessary to avoid the harmful effects of overhydration .
Overhydration is a little-known problem but it is important to pay special attention to it to avoid drowning :) Drinking enough water is essential to maintain good health, however it is equally necessary to do so in moderation! Listen to your body's needs by adjusting your water consumption according to your profile, your activity, the weather conditions, your state of health, you will be able to avoid the risks associated with excessive water consumption. You can carry out your hydration diagnosis online on our website to know your water needs according to your profile and your sports practice ;)