The importance of good hydration for your well-being!
How important is daily hydration?
The human body is composed of 70% water and hydration is therefore essential for physiological homeostasis. Water in our body is divided into intracellular and extracellular compartments. Two-thirds of the water mass is in the intracellular space and contains high concentrations of proteins, potassium and phosphate, and low concentrations of sodium and chlorine, so electrolyte balance is a major issue for maintaining good hydration.
The World Health Organization and doctors recommend drinking 2 to 3 liters of water or 10 to 15 glasses of water per day. Data from the Institute of Water and Health suggests that 20 to 30% of this intake should come from solid foods and 78-80% should come from direct water intake into the body.
To get a clearer idea of the benefits of adequate hydration we can cite the impact of water on several levels:
Stomach: Water improves intestinal motility and facilitates digestive mechanisms
The kidney: Water allows the kidneys to dilute waste for excretion as urine. Dehydration can lead to the development of urinary stones and/or urinary tract infections.
Heart: Water improves oxygenation of organs. According to a study presented at the European Society of Cardiology, researchers found that adequate hydration can prevent and reduce the risk of heart failure
Skin: Dermatologists say that skin is made up of over 70% water and adequate hydration helps improve elasticity and firmness.
Our state of hydration is therefore an essential issue for maintaining good physical health.
The importance of hydration for healthy aging?
Aging , sun exposure , pollution and smoking are all factors that interfere with the skin 's hydration process . In fact , these factors alter the protective film formed by water and fats . Moisture then evaporates through holes formed on the surface of the skin . This can lead to dehydration in different layers of the skin , which can have several consequences .
One of the most important nutritional concerns for older adults is therefore water conservation , sensory changes with age include hypoabsorption .
This phenomenon is called hypohidrosis , it is due to a decrease in the number of body receptors that control thirst , the older you are , the less likely you are to be thirsty .
Cells saturated with water can no longer proliferate, they become disorganized and can no longer receive elements such as collagen and elastin , sources of skin elasticity . Therefore , with age, our skin loses its elasticity. That is, after stretching ( imitation, laughter , etc. ), the skin becomes less and less able to return to its original position . Facial wrinkles and sagging skin appear .
To combat natural skin aging and environmental dehydration , it is important to drink plenty of fluids . The water that evaporates from the skin 's surface must be balanced by adequate and regular hydration . It is important to drink plenty of fluids to restore the lipid - water balance of the protective membrane .
So remember to hydrate yourself well throughout the day to keep your skin young for as long as possible . Whether it 's water , coffee or tea , we recommend drinking 7 to 8 glasses a day .
What are the symptoms of not drinking enough?
Dehydration is manifested by physiological dehydration. This occurs when the amount of water excreted by the body is greater than the intake. Situations in which this behavior is likely to occur include: Gastroenteritis with vomiting and diarrhea; profuse sweating; uncontrolled diabetes…
During the exam, the doctor may perform tests to measure levels of sodium and other electrolytes in the patient's blood and urine to better understand the severity of dehydration.
This dehydration results in an insufficient supply of electrolytes present in the body, preventing water from flowing easily from inside the cells into the blood, it can cause a feeling of dizziness or imminent loss of consciousness if the person stands up suddenly. If the situation worsens, blood pressure can drop to dangerous levels, causing shock and damaging several organs such as the kidneys, liver and brain. This lack of fluid intake can cause serious damage to internal organs, this is called severe dehydration .
In addition to weight loss, severe dehydration is accompanied by one or more of the following signs:
- intense thirst
- dull expression and sunken eyes
- Appearance of skin folds
- dry, cold and pale skin
- fever
- small amount of urine
- headache
- disorientation, dizziness
- disturbance of consciousness
- behavior change
Symptomatic treatment: Treatment is adapted according to the extracellular water status.
Isolated intracellular dehydration: Pure water is given PO or nasogastric tube.
Global dehydration: Requires hypotonic intake of water and sodium ([NaCl 0.9% + G5] 0 or NaCl 0.45%).
Associated extracellular hydration: Combine hypotonic solutions or fresh water with diuretics.
How can Hydratis help you?
Symptoms can occur without adequate electrolytes or when electrolyte balance is impaired, which can lead to muscle weakness and muscle spasms . High blood pressure, anxiety , nausea , difficulty concentrating , fatigue , and bone and joint problems can occur with dehydration .
Hydratis is a French company specializing in body hydration . The Hydratis solution enriches water with mineral salts , sodium, glucose and trace elements. The Hydratis drink allows the body to absorb water more quickly and efficiently while contributing to muscle recovery, reducing fatigue and fighting cellular stress ( symptom of dehydration). The tablets are dye-free , preservative - free and contain natural flavors ( peach , wild berries , lemongrass, ginger, mint, anise , neutral). In our range , you will find a wide choice of products adapted to the needs of the whole family.